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Mastering Sales Objections: The Defuse, Discover, Discuss Method

Written by Alex Avila | Apr 11, 2024 11:47:33 PM

Harnessing the Power of Objections in Sales

Cold calling is an art form, fraught with potential objections at every turn. Josh Braun’s Defuse, Discover, Discuss framework offers a strategic approach to navigate and overcome these objections, turning potential rejections into opportunities for meaningful conversation and, ultimately, successful outcomes. This blog breaks down Braun’s methodology, providing sales professionals with a tactical guide to enhance their cold calling techniques and improve their objection handling prowess.

Why Handle Objections?

In cold calling, objections aren't barriers to progress. Instead -- they're signals. They indicate interest, concern, or misunderstanding that, when addressed properly, can lead to deeper engagement. Josh Braun’s framework is predicated on the idea that how you handle objections can differentiate you from the competition and significantly impact your ability to book the meeting.

  • Respond with empathy to alleviate tension.
  • Dig deeper to understand the true root of the objection.
  • Engage in meaningful dialogue to explore how your "thing" can meet their specific challenges.

Defuse: Neutralize the Objection’s Negative Charge

The first step in Braun’s framework involves defusing the objection. This step sets the tone for the entire conversation by showing the prospect that their concerns are valid and important. Instead of immediately jumping to a defensive stance, take a moment to acknowledge their point of view with empathy and understanding. You're not conceding defeat. You're creating a foundation of trust and mutual respect with your prospect so you can have a meaningful discussion.

Before diving into the technicalities, alleviate any tension. 

  • Understand what specifically raises concerns.
  • Engage completely, showing empathy and understanding, to reduce defensiveness.
  • Stay calm to keep the situation from escalating.
  • Your body language can convey openness and readiness to resolve issues.
  • Put yourself in their shoes to validate their feelings genuinely.

Discover: Uncover the Real Objection Behind the Objection

Often, the initial objection is not the real barrier to progress. The Discover phase is about asking probing questions to unearth the underlying concerns or needs. This step requires active listening and a consultative approach, showing genuine interest in understanding the prospect’s situation. It’s about moving beyond the surface to discover what’s truly holding the prospect back.

Dig deeper to understand the true root of the objection.

  • Make the environment safe for the prospect to express genuine concerns.
  • Notice not just what is said but how it is said—tone, body language, and facial expressions can reveal much more.

Discuss: Collaboratively Explore Solutions

With a clearer understanding of the real objection, the Discuss phase focuses on exploring solutions together with the prospect. This is where you can tailor your value proposition to address their specific concerns, demonstrating how your product or service can meet their needs. It’s a collaborative process, involving the prospect in the solution-building to ensure it aligns with their objectives and concerns.

Engage in meaningful dialogue to explore how your solutions can meet their specific challenges.

  • Personalize solutions to address the prospect's unique problems.
  • Show how your expertise aligns with their needs, enhancing credibility and rapport.
  • Focus on how your product or service provides a return on investment or meets their goals more effectively than alternatives.

The Role of Mindset and Practice

Embracing this framework means adopting a mindset of curiosity, empathy, and resilience. Cold calling is a numbers game, but each call is an opportunity to refine your approach and improve your objection handling skills. Regular practice, role-play, and tape review can provide invaluable insights for continuous improvement.


Josh Braun’s Defuse, Discover, Discuss framework is a simple, yet powerful approach to transforming cold call objections from roadblocks into booked meetings. You'll engage more meaningfully with prospects, boost your call performance, and set more meetings.