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Setting Goals as an XDR: Maximizing Commission and Crushing Quota

Read Time 5 mins | Written by: Alex Avila

As an SDR, BDR, XDR … whatever you call it — your primary focus is top-of-the-funnel (TOFU) activities. You’re not typically closing deals—you’re building pipeline, generating opportunities, and laying the foundation for your sales team to succeed. So, how do you set goals that align with this reality and ensure you're hitting your BDR quota and maximizing commission?

This guide will break down how to create a quarterly plan that’s designed for XDRs focused on outreach, social selling, and lead generation.

1. Set Commission Targets

Even if you’re not directly closing deals, your efforts are crucial in driving opportunities that lead to revenue. Your commission is likely based on the number of qualified leads or opportunities generated, so setting commission targets is the first step.

  • Quarterly Commission Goals: Start by defining how much commission you want to earn this quarter. This will serve as your anchor for everything else.
  • Break Down into Monthly Targets: Divide your quarterly commission goal into monthly targets to keep your progress consistent. This helps avoid the common trap of a last-minute scramble at the end of the quarter.

2. Understand Your Conversion Rates

Understanding conversion rates is essential for building a realistic plan. While you're not closing deals, you still need to measure the success of your outreach efforts at different stages:

  • Lead to Opportunity: What percentage of your leads turn into qualified opportunities?
  • Email Open and Response Rates: Track how many prospects open and respond to your emails.
  • Call to Meeting Rates: Know how many cold calls it typically takes to book a meeting.

With these metrics in hand, you can work backward to set daily or weekly activity targets. For example, if you need to generate 20 qualified opportunities this quarter and your lead-to-opportunity conversion rate is 10%, you'll need to generate 200 leads. From there, break it down further into daily call and email goals.

3. Key TOFU Activities: Calls, Emails, Social Selling

As an XDR, calls, emails, and social selling are your bread and butter. To hit your BDR quota and maximize commission, you need clear targets for each of these activities:

  • Cold Calls per Day: How many calls do you need to make each day to generate leads? If your conversion rate from calls to meetings is 5%, and you need to book 10 meetings a week, you’ll need to make 200 calls.
  • Emails per Day: Similarly, set a daily email target based on your response rates. If your goal is to generate 5 responses a day and your response rate is 10%, you’ll need to send 50 emails.
  • Social Selling: Don’t forget about LinkedIn or other social platforms. Engaging with posts, sharing content, and connecting with prospects can help fill your pipeline.

4. Track Your Progress and Adjust

Consistency is key. To ensure you’re hitting your targets and maximizing commission, you need to track your activities and adjust your approach when necessary:

  • Weekly Reviews: Schedule time to review your progress each week. Are you hitting your call, email, and meeting targets? Are you generating enough opportunities?
  • Adjust as Needed: If something isn’t working—like low response rates on emails—experiment with different messaging or targeting to improve results. It’s about being proactive, not reactive.

5. Leverage Your Tools and Resources

Your CRM and sales enablement tools are vital for managing your pipeline and tracking activities. Here's how to make the most of them:

  • CRM: Keep your CRM updated with accurate information. This ensures you have visibility into where your leads are in the funnel and helps you stay organized.
  • Automation Tools: Use sales enablement tools to automate follow-ups, track email opens, and schedule cold calls. This saves time and keeps you on task.

Also, take advantage of training and feedback from managers. Regular coaching can sharpen your skills and help you fine-tune your approach.

6. Review and Reflect at the End of the Quarter

When the quarter wraps up, take time to review your performance:

  • Did you hit your commission targets?
  • Were your conversion rates in line with expectations?
  • Which activities generated the best results?

Use these insights to refine your strategy for the next quarter.

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FAQ: Quarterly Planning for XDRs

Q: How do I calculate my BDR quota for the quarter?

A: First, determine how many qualified leads or opportunities you're expected to generate. Then, use your conversion rates to break this down into daily or weekly activity targets, such as calls and emails.

Q: What’s the best way to improve my cold call success rate?

A: Focus on refining your pitch, actively listen during the call, and tailor your messaging to the prospect’s needs. Don’t forget to follow up and track your performance to see what’s working.

Q: How can I maximize commission if I don’t close deals?

A: Your commission is likely tied to generating qualified leads or booking meetings. Focus on volume and quality in your outreach, and consistently track your conversion rates to ensure you’re on pace.

Q: How often should I review my goals?

A: It’s ideal to review your progress weekly and make any necessary adjustments. This keeps you from getting too far off track if something isn’t working.

Q: What tools should I be using to track my activities?

A: A CRM is essential for tracking leads and opportunities. Additionally, sales enablement tools can help automate follow-ups, manage email campaigns, and track response rates.

Final Thoughts

Goal-setting as an XDR or BDR is all about understanding your role in the sales funnel. While you may not close deals, you’re laying the groundwork for the entire sales process. By setting clear targets, tracking your activities, and adjusting as needed, you’ll be well on your way to maximizing commission and consistently hitting your BDR quota. Stay proactive, leverage your tools, and always be ready to refine your approach.

Plan your next quarter with our XDR Planning Checklist.

Maximize your conversions rates through the entire funnel

Alex Avila

With over 10 years of sales and marketing experience for software companies ranging from Series A to IPO, Alex is a seasoned veteran with experience in the field.