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Why Casual Cold Emails Win in SaaS

Read Time 8 mins | Written by: Alex Avila


Let's get real. The SaaS sales world is a battlefield. With everyone's inboxes flooded with stiff, cookie-cutter pitches, standing out is like finding a unicorn. But here's the game-changer—going casual might be your secret weapon. Yep, dropping the corporate speak and getting real can skyrocket your response rates and your pipeline. And guess what? Tools like GTM.bot make it a breeze to craft these killer emails.

Feel like your cold emails are vanishing into a black hole? Tired of crafting the "perfect" message only to get crickets? Well, buckle up, because we're about to flip the script on everything you thought you knew about B2B email outreach.

The Problem with Formality

The "Corporate Speak" Trap

We've all been guilty of it: typing out emails that sound like they've been vetted by a team of lawyers. Remember when "I am reaching out to inquire about potential synergies between our organizations" was hot? Turns out it’s not.

This style falls flat because it:

  • Creates Distance: Formal language puts up a wall between you and your prospect.
  • Sounds Automated: Prospects can sniff out a templated email a mile away.
  • Lower Engagement: Studies show that formal emails have a 17% lower open rate.

To get away from this, the easiest ways to become a bit more informal are to use contractions:

Formal: "We have noticed that you are interested..."

Informal: "We've noticed you're interested..."

And to write in the first-person active voice.

Formal: "It has been observed that..."

Informal: "I noticed that..."

GTM.bot is designed to help you avoid the corporate speak trap by suggesting more casual, engaging language automatically.

The Attention Span Dilemma

People's attention spans are shorter than a TikTok video. They just don’t have time for "In consideration of your time constraints, I have compiled an extensive overview..."

They aren’t going to read it. Plain and simple. It’s too much text, and nobody wants to read an essay in their inbox. Don’t bury the lead or your main point gets lost in the fluff. "Here's the quick rundown" will go miles. Will Allred, the founder of Lavender, recently shared their models are revealing a huge shift. They advocate for reps to write simpler sentences, and imply subjects.

Simpler Sentences

Formal: "I am looking forward to our meeting next week; however, in preparation, would you like to review any materials?"

Informal: "Excited for our chat next week! Want me to send over anything beforehand?"

Imply Subjects

Formal: "Are you planning to attend the upcoming webinar?"

Informal: "Planning on joining the webinar?"

With GTM.bot, you can generate concise emails that hit all the right notes without the extra fluff.

The Trust Paradox

You might think formal language builds trust. Spoiler alert: it doesn't. In fact, casual builds more trust. People trust people, not corporations. It’s just more authentic, and a conversational tone makes your more approachable.

To build trust, you can even use some slang — just keep it professional.

Formal: "I was thrilled to see your recent acquisition."

Informal: "Loved hearing about your latest win!"

Writing in the first person helps create the same feel.

Formal: "It has been determined that our services align..."

Informal: "I think we could do something awesome together."

GTM.bot can infuse your emails with that authentic touch, making you sound less like a robot and more like a human.

The Informal Advantage

Personalization Power

Dropping the formalities opens the door to real personalization. For example:

Formal: "Dear Sir/Madam, your company may benefit from our solutions."

Informal: "Hey [First Name], noticed you put up some crazy numbers last quarter!"

It just feels more genuine. It’s the kind of message that shows you did your homework, and prospects are more likely to respond when they feel seen. Mention those common interests or activities:

"Saw you attended the SaaStr conference—great talks this year!"

"Congrats on launching your new feature!"

GTM.bot can pull in personalized snippets based on your prospect's LinkedIn or company news, saving you time and effort.

The Brevity Boost

We’ve talked about this before. Keeping it short is incredibly effective. Data indicates that the optimal length is somewhere between 50-125 words. Short emails respect your prospect's time and are more likely to be read.

Cut the fluff. Eliminate unnecessary words. Get to the point. State your purpose early on.

Too Long: "I wanted to reach out to discuss the possibility of a mutually beneficial relationship between our companies."

Just Right: "Think we can help each other out—got a minute to chat?"

GTM.bot helps you trim the fat, ensuring your emails are concise and impactful.

Engagement Through Authenticity

Formal: "Our records indicate that you might benefit from our services."

Being yourself is good life advice. It’s also a killer sales strategy. Prospects respond to genuine outreach. People want to talk to people. You’ll stand out with an authentic voice that cuts through the noise.

I can’t really tell you how to be you, but it might look like this:

"Honestly, I think you'll dig what we've got going on."

"Funny enough, I faced the same challenge last year..."

"Not gonna lie, I'm reaching out because I really believe we can help."

Navigating Potential Pitfalls

Know Your Audience

Not everyone vibes with a casual tone. Research First. Use LinkedIn to gauge their professional style and adjust accordingly. If they seem formal, dial it back a bit.

There’s a fine line between casual and unprofessional. Being casual isn't a free pass to be sloppy.

GTM.bot can help keep you in check. It suggests language that's friendly yet professional.

Cultural Considerations

What works in one culture might flop in another, so be mindful. Humor and slang may not translate. When in doubt, keep it simple and clear.

The Future of Cold Emailing in SaaS

The times are changing, and so is communication. Millennials and Gen Z favor authenticity, and industry leaders predict a move toward more personalized outreach.

The Role of AI in Crafting "Authentic" Informal Emails

Can AI help you sound more human? Absolutely. But it’s a balancing act. AI assists but — for now — cannot replace your unique voice. Yes, you can work faster and save time on crafting the right degree of personalization, but a standard ChatGPT model isn’t quite ready for the big leagues.

Automation is everywhere, but the human touch still matters. Genuine connections drive deals. Always has. Always will. So use tools to enhance, not replace, your personal touch.

Purpose-built for sales reps — and fine-tuned by actual sellers — GTM.bot combines AI efficiency with human authenticity. It’s designed to amplify your voice, not overshadow it.


So, there you have it. Formality is out; authenticity is in. By embracing a casual, conversational tone, you're not just sending another email—you're starting a real conversation. In the cutthroat world of SaaS sales, standing out is crucial, and an informal cold email might just be your secret weapon.

Ready to make the shift? With GTM.bot, crafting these engaging, informal emails is easier than ever. Ditch the corporate jargon, be yourself, and watch those response rates soar.


Q: How do I make cold emails more conversational?

A: Write like you're talking to a colleague. Use simple language, contractions, and don't be afraid to show a bit of personality. Tools like GTM.bot can help you nail the tone.

Q: What's the ideal length for a SaaS sales email?

A: Keep it between 50-125 words. Short and sweet gets the job done. GTM.bot can help you keep it concise without losing impact.

Q: Can informal emails work for enterprise sales?

A: Absolutely! Decision-makers are people too. Just keep it professional—avoid overly casual slang—and focus on building a genuine connection.

Q: How can GTM.bot help me write better emails?

A: GTM.bot uses a fine-tuned AI model to craft personalized, engaging emails using inputs about your prospect. It saves you time while boosting your response rates.

Q: Is it easy to integrate GTM.bot into my current workflow?

A: Totally! GTM.bot is designed to fit seamlessly into your existing sales stack, making the transition smooth and hassle-free.

P.S. Did we mention that GTM.bot makes all of this ridiculously easy? Check it out here.

Ready to build your pipeline for next quarter?

Alex Avila

With over 10 years of sales and marketing experience for software companies ranging from Series A to IPO, Alex is a seasoned veteran with experience in the field.